Manage Cisco Switch / Router from Linux

April 14, 2013 in Services, Web Server

Connect your Cisco Switch / Router on Ubuntu

Requirements for Configure a Cisco device from Console port:

A Host machine with your preferred O.S. In this case I’m using an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

A serial port in your computer motherboard or a USB to RS232(Serial) Converter.

A text based terminal emulation (i use minicom in this example)

Its also useful to install a TFTP server on your machine if you want to copy file from or to your Cisco switch / Router. I choose to use the tftpd-hpa

Check for active Serial ports on Linux:

Before we proceed we need to check all the available Serial ports on your machine and write down the port name because we will need it for configuring minicom. Open a terminal and type :


dmesg |grep tty


In my case i have a pl2303 USB to Serial Converter and the name of this device is “ttyUSB0”

How to Install Samba Server on Ubuntu

April 7, 2013 in Services

Installing Samba on Ubuntu

What is samba?

Samba is an easy way to share files over Linux And Windows environment. Samba is presented by and is an Open Source/Free Software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients.

Installing Samba.

lets update first the repositories.

open a terminal and type the following :

sudo apt-get update

now install samba

sudo apt-get install samba

now lets edit the configuration file of samba, but before that lets backup the initial configuration file.

cd /etc/samba/

sudo mv smb.conf backsmb.conf

Setup public folder:

First we will create the configuration for a share folder accessible from everyone without any user need it

sudo nano smb.conf

for that add the following to this file:

workgroup = Workgroup
server string = My Samba Share %v
security = user
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no
comment = This is a folder accessible from everyone
path = /sharefolder
browsable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = no
create mask = 0755

next we need to create the directory that will host the share folder and change the user permissions

Apache load balancing and failover

October 5, 2012 in Web Server

Apache load balancing and failover with pound

What is server load balancing?

Load balancing is a way to split all the income requests, to more than 2 servers. You must have a load balancing when you have a lot of income requests that a server can not handle. If you have for example a web site with a lot of visitors that a single server will not be able to handle, you must split the traffic to 2 or more web servers.  In this tutorial i will use 2 web servers and a load balancing server to redirect the http request.

What is server failover?

If you have a web site in a web server and you want for example to close this server for maintenance reasons or if your server due to a technical reason stop operating, your website will be offline until you fix this problem! Fail over is a way to automatically redirect the incoming requests for your website to another web server.

In this tutorial you will find an easy way to load balancing and failover using pound. Pound is an open source reverse proxy that can handle load balancing and failover with a strong emphasis in security.

Lets say that you have a static ip (i will use a non-existing IP, a domain name ( for your website, a webserver (with internal IP and a router (configured to redirect all the incoming requests for port 80 to If you have all the above its easy to create a public website hosted on your webserver. But this server has no failover or load balancing since its a single server.


If you need failover and load balancing you will need one more server with a replica of your website and a server that will handle the load balancing and fail over. Lets start creating the Pound server!

how to install Webmin on ubuntu

September 20, 2012 in Services

Install webmin on Ubuntu

what is Webmin?

Webmin is a great tool for unix system administrators. With Webmin you can easily config and manage a server from a web browser. You will be able to manage Users, Apache, mySQL, DNS, File system, Backup and many more

What you need in order to install Webmin

Since this is a web based tool you will need a web server like Apache. If you already have Apache installed please skip this step:

Ok lets install Apache.

You can install Apache2 from the Terminal by using:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install apache2

when the installation finish Apache is up and running and you can test that by point your web browser to http://localhost/

The default site will came up with a message that says “it works”.This html file is located under your local file system in folder /var/www/

Lets go on the next step “How to install webmin on Ubuntu”

How to install Drupal 7 on ubuntu

June 26, 2012 in CMS

How to install Drupal 7 on ubuntu Part 1

This is a full article on how to install Drupal on Ubuntu, that means you can use this guide even if you have a clean installation of Ubuntu, and I will try to keep it as simple as I can.

What you will need in order to install Drupal.

First of all you will need a LAMP Server(more information can be found here).

1. You have to install a Linux system(you can choose whatever you want. A guide on how to install Ubuntu can be found here).It doesn’t really matter if you choose a desktop or server edition but if you are planning to publish your Drupal website I strongly recommend to use a server edition of Ubuntu for example.

2. You will need Apache (more information can be found here)

3. You will need MySQL (more information can be found here)

4. You will need PhP (more information can be found here)

5. And last but not least you will need to download Drupal from official site.

Let’s go to the next Part and install Lamp

How to Host multiple Websites on Apache2

March 29, 2012 in Apache Configuration

How to Host multiple Websites on Apache2

Let’s say that we own 2 or more domain names ( and We also have 2 web pages (hostpage1 and hostpage2). But we have only 1 webserver and 1 public IP (for this example i will use local IP but it will be the same if you own a public static IP)

Setting up the Domain names.

First thing is to create an “A record” in the DNS of your Domain Names to point “www” to your public or local IP address of your Web Server. I use local DNS in this example. So i will point the “www” for both of my domain names to So it will be something like that: –> –>

Read the rest of this entry →

host a forum

March 26, 2012 in forum

How to create and host your own forum on Ubuntu.


A web server With PHP Support. (In this tutorial I use Apache2)

SQL database. (In this tutorial i use Mysql and PhpMyadmin to configure Mysql)

If you already have Apache Php Mysql and Phpmyadmin installed then you are ready to go if not please follow these tutorials first (Lamp on ubuntu and Phpmyadmin)


First we will need an empty database where our forum will store contents.

Read the rest of this entry →

How to run PHP on Ubuntu

March 21, 2012 in Php

How to run PHP on Ubuntu.

First of all you will need a web-server to host our PHP pages.

In this tutorial I ll use Apache2. You can install Apache2 from the Terminal by using:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2

when the installation is finished, Apache is up and running and you can test that by pointing your web browser at http://localhost/

The default page will come up with a message “it works” and some more info.This html file is located under your local file system in folder /var/www/html/

Now you have to install PHP.

To install PHP and PHP support for Apache, just write the following in console:

Read the rest of this entry →

How to install WordPress 3.3 on ubuntu 11.10

March 20, 2012 in CMS

How to install WordPress 3.3.1 on Ubuntu

This is a full article on how to install WordPress on Ubuntu, that means you can use this guide even if you have a clean installation of Ubuntu, and I will try to keep it as simple as I can.

What you will need in order to install WordPress.

First of all you will need a LAMP Server(more information can be found here).

Lets set up our LAMP Server.

1. You have to install a Linux system(you can choose whatever you want. A guide on how to install Ubuntu can be found here).It doesn’t really matter if you choose a desktop or server edition but if you are planning to publish your WordPress website I strongly recommend to use a server edition of Ubuntu for example.

2. You will need Apache (more information can be found here)

3. You will need MySQL (more information can be found here)

4. You will need PhP (more information can be found here)

5. And last but not least you will need to download WordPress from official site.

Let’s go to the next Part and Install Lamp

Joomla 2.5.3 on Ubuntu

March 17, 2012 in CMS

How to install Joomla 2.5.3 on Ubuntu 11.10 Part 1

This is a full article on how to install Joomla on Ubuntu, that means that you can use this guide even if you have a clean installation of Ubuntu, and i will try to keep it as simply as i can.

What you will need in order to install Joomla

First of all you will need a LAMP Server(more information can be found here).

Lets set up our LAMP Server.

1. You have to install a Linux system(you can choose what ever you want. A guide on how to install Ubuntu can be found here).It doesn’t really matter if you choose a desktop or server edition but if you planning to publish your Joomla website i strongly recommend to use a server edition of Ubuntu for example.

2. You will need Apache (more information can be found here)

3. You will need MySQL (more information can be found here)

4. You will need PhP (more information can be found here)

5. And last but not least you will need to download Joomla from official site.

Lets start by installing Lamp: